How Does a Fireplace Blower Work?


Fireplace blowers are a popular accessory in most fireplaces sold today. A fireplace on its own is capable of releasing a good amount of heat in a room. However, the heat often rises and does not permeate the room as well as it could. This is where a fireplace blower is used to both increase the amount of heat being produced by the fire and help move the heat out away from the fireplace to better distribute the warmth.


A fireplace blower starts with special heat-resistant tubing. The fire is built directly on top of the tubing, which causes the tubes to heat the air inside of them. The air inside the tubes can get as hot as 500 degrees F.

Air Intake

Once the fire blower unit is turned on, an air intake device sucks cold air out of the room and pumps it into the pipes that the fire is built on. Once inside the pipes, it takes very little time for the air to become superheated.

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